becauce she is en mantol's wife

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hampir 2 month.....

Hahaha...selepas hmpir 2 bulan pic nikah belah aku n en mantol belum lg diambil. Aku kat ganu..klu x balik x le aku ambik...huhuhu. x sabar tu memang x sabar tp x berpeluang balik lg....last mont balik tp album belum siap. Tp khamis ni balik johor, boleh ambik album johor dlu...hehehe....x saborrr

kat muzium negeri Terengganu...

ni kt umah pihak lelaki....

first touch for my weeding vid....x sempat nk siapkan...huhuhuu

Vid akad nikah blom convert...huhuhu

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Monday, January 27, 2014


iiii you olzzz....actually en mantol nak cat sendiri "Teratak Cinta" kami ni dibantu kwn en bukan kami punya la...kami sewa jeee..blom cukup money nk beli...slow2 k. Tapi nmpk gayanya kena upah org la sepenuhnya la sbb ahad customer site nk kna la keje.

Yg kesiannye aku la...kna kuar w/pn x tau nk kuar mana..Last2 ap lg...aku kan tengah deco dapur tu so aku g la shooping. Hehehe, yg mahal2 aku x beli, tu tunggu kuar ngan en mantol...hehehehe padahal duit aku blnje ni pun en mantol yg kasi.hahaha bertuah punya bini...

Ruang Bilik

En mantol minat bilik kami biru..hopefully sejuk mcm duk dlm laut...hahha

Ruang Tamu

Ruang tamu de 2 color biru mcm dlm bilik + purple. Atas ni ruangan purple.


Ni ruangan biru + purple. Bunga tu actually nk letak after beli perabut...tu just letak dulu. Sila abaikan cd tu k....hehehe

This area is the way nk g dapur. Bunga tu sbnrnya nk letak ats pintu masuk bilik tp blom wat paku nk sangkut, so tumpng sini dulu...hehehe

Bunga ni my sister yg buat..arapkan aku jd ap ntah leee.....

Ruangan ni kira jalan nk g lampu tu..x tau lagi nk deco er yg sesuai?????

 En mantol ckp, lepas raya cina bru projek die kat subang tu bru boleh wat masuk perabut...hooray, x sabaynyeee

<<<< En Mantol, I Love You >>>>

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happiness the way you are

Firstly nk ucap time kasih banyk2 at my lovely husband... cos you bring me into the wonderful feeling as a wife. My sister told that, if you haven't felt the "harder" you never appreciate the "happiness". Maybe it's true for some people and maybe not for the others.

Some women said, when a man gives all things, it's mean he love you very much and it was the happiness. It's true??? As I mention above, only you know what mean happiness and the way happiness you want.

Happily for me , when I wake up in the morning my husband slept beside me with his hand is hug my body. At home he will be my "IMAM" and me as his "MAKMUM", at least once a day for SUBUH prayer. We will forgive each other before we are sleepy.

On the cooking time, he will assist me and ask what else he can help. He not a difficult person in eating style, he will eat what I have cooked and only comment for upgrade my skill and for more health.

YES, he not really romance husband, but as long as he knows what I want and try to fulfill, it's enough for me and future child.

<<<< En Mantol, I Love You >>>>

Saturday, January 18, 2014

shoping bunga tuk umah baru.....yeey

This week cuti lama skit n aku ambik kptsn nk blik perak...umah k.long aku...there is a moment i will never forget....hahahaha..malu i tau... Before balik last week aku de impom K.long aku yg aku nk g kedai bunga THANK*Q kt Sri Iskandar...nk dijadikn citer aku n K.longcamvik la bunga2 yg rsa mcm brkenan je....n bila nk dh rasa cukup tu aku n K.long nk byar la....Guest wat????duit dlm wallet aku x cukup...auch....aku pn tnya la K.long...rupanya K.long pn x bwa cash...dah la x de ATM kat lg K.long pn start keta nk g ATM trdkt....waaa k.long x bwa ATM card....ayooo....sik baik ATM BSN ad....hadoi....malunyeeee.....pengajaran betol ne duit tu leh x de x tau la..maybe tercicir kot sbb td wallet aku trbka time anak buah aku main...huhuh.....So now time for decorate bunga!!! ha sape lg yg akn tlg aku...klu x K.long aku....hehehhe....

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Be a good wife....

Life must go a wife for lovely husband is the most meaningful moment for all women in the world. In my heart, want to be a perfected wife for you, but it can't' be. I'm also human, need time to rest, need you to hug and kiss me as I feel that you are really born for me..

Many thanks to God because of Him, we are married. I'm happy being your wife, wake up early morning and preparing your meals. "Salam" and you kiss my forehead before you went to work. After office hour, as fast as I can, I will come home and preparing your dinner, wash your clothes and also make sure that when you're at home like you in heaven. Too high my expectations!!! 

When you are at home, I will wear a nice cloth and be fragrant smell and ready to "work" for you. Hopefully, we will be named good child and when you see he/she, you will see me and when I see she/he, I will see you. So that we never far each other. Even I will "go" first, I already give you my "clone" for you.

On that day, that you bring me into our "small heaven", no word can elaborate my feel. Even you said that, " it just a beginner darling, I will find the bigger/new one for you darling ". We slept on "TOTO" and your hand is my pillow, my body as your "hug pillow"... I feel almost enough.. 

<<<< En Mantol, I Love You >>>>

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Salam maulidur rasul 1435H @ 2014M

Hari ni cuti sempena Maulidur Rasul ni aku ngn en mantol umah baru....baru utk kami, hehehehe

kami pndah brg guna lori, sewa RM100 utk lori 1 tan tanpa menpower. en mantol de mnta tlg kawan die, Zul n Paiz. Thanks ye..pnt semalam angkat brg. Abg drever pn thanks sbb tlg kami w/pn di luar service.hehehe

Aku lepas subuh dh start kemas pe yg x hbs lg...terutamanya peti sbb peti tu kongsi, so kna tunggu akk umah tu kuarkan brg diorng skali.

Lori sampai dalam kol 0945 cam tu..pdhl spatutnya 1030...tergopoh gapah la skit. Brg2 yg ringan aku wat turun...tinggal yg berat..srh man2 yg angkat.

Sebelum start kemas, ktorng kuar lunch dlu...n tapau tuk mak...sabb mak x ikut.

Skali tu g servey kedai perabt....n tengok mana yg sesuai. Balik umah ukur ruang n tengok kat katelog then boleh lah wat pilihan....yeey

Sebelum kol 11 semua dah time tu cari brg2 nk bersihkan umah....en mantol mop lantai dlm bilik aku plak setlekan dapur....

bila dh kemas2 ni bnyk la brg yg tuan rumah tinggal n kami x nak die suruh buang jeee

Setle tu dlm kol 630, tu bukan setle sbnrnya....sbb dh nk masuk malam so stop dlu utk hari ni n sambung nnti...

Rumah kami...ti sambung kemas n cat. Lepas tu bru boleh decorate...yyeeeyy...i'm waiting that time!!!

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Saturday, January 11, 2014


Finally rasmi la aku sbg mrs aku akan di bawa ke majlis rasmi n x rasmi en mantol....hahaha...Semalam kitaorg g dinner sempena Tahun Baru Cina skaligus berkenalan dgn bos and rakan2 sekerja en mantol.

Kebetulan ni jg majlis perpisahan salah sorng opismate en mantol. Aku x tau la mana restoren tu tp area Kepong la....yg en mantol bg tau tu kedai sea food

En mantol dtg ambik lepas asar...sbb mjlis start 6 ptg. Nak g sana pn take time so....cun2 la sampai sana. Menu sana chinese style...nasi goreng cina+tomyam+udang+ketam+sotong+ayam....air plak manggo+oren+epal hijau+carrot susu+soft drink

Sebelum mkn wat aktiviti 1 smua tetamu terilbt...ce teka...hehehe pembhgian duit raya...yeyeye...dh kawen pn still dapat...ska2...guest wat....aku dapt bape n en mantol dapat bape....

Cabut undi le...sbb smua org x sama....aku no 11 n en mantol no 3....
hehehe....langkah kanan..aku punya lebih dari en mantol dapt...hooreeey

Lpas tu cabutan ke2...yg ni staff je. ni guna huruf plak, en mantol dapat E.....hehehe n pe die dpt ok periuk ni....tebal. Lupa lak nk ambik pic.

Mcm berpakat je bos aku ngan bos en mantol la...bos aku induction cook, bos en mantol bg periuk....memang cun laaa....hehehehe

After that..makan....lpas makan diorng start karoke...aku dislike skit bab2 cam tu. kbtulan plak nk g solat maghrib kami balik dulu...Selut la kat bos en mantol..walaupn die org die faham. Mcm bru2 smpai kt restoren, die tnya en mantol dulu boleh shake hand x? en mantol ckp x die salam ngan en mantol je...

k la...lepas makan kenyang2 dapat ang pow jgk...n hadiah kami pun blik leee....nk kna hnatr aku balik umah dlu...mklum la ye....duk asing kan...huhuhu

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Friday, January 10, 2014

BIG_BIG Present for my wedding

Hai u olllzzzz.....guest it very2 unexpected day....Pagi2 dpt call dari my college ckp somebody akan call n nk hantar brg....

Ptg tu betol de somebody call n check my time nk hntr that yeee..x sabar gitu.

Pe pun thanks sgt kpd smua staff RDM sdn bhd yeee...utk hadiah ni....nk sebut kat sini terlalu ramai....

hehehe...pic x lawa tp ni mesin basuh auto 7kg jenama sharp....

hehehehe...boleh guna tuk umah baru so skip beli 1 barang....thanks you alllzzz...

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